Sunday, January 27, 2013

Yes- THIS is where I want to be.

Have you ever wanted something for SO long and you finally feel it falling into place? I'm reveling in the moment right now because I know "life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it". I cannot really express how happy I am that I moved to our new home. I did my research on the area and let me tell you- those late nights and concern over Georgia's school she would attend paid off- ten fold. I love her school, teacher, friends, parents, etc. They are all AMAZING. I watch my daughter making friends and see connections she is going to have for life. We had our first sleep over Friday night with Georgia's two best buds at school.

The girls were dancing and singing to a sing-a-long DVD in the living room while I filmed them. I thought to myself how priceless was the footage I was capturing at that moment. Three little girls- so innocent and full of life! I imagine them watching it together maybe 10 years from now when they are in high school. I thought about the trials that come with growing up and I was comforted to think about the day they let go of possible high school drama and giggle at the images of them dancing and singing at 5 years old. Such innocence, such sweetness! I know I don't want these moments to pass me by. If I could I would freeze those sweet girls at 5 and never let them grow up! THIS is where I want to be.

Saturday found us at home for once with really no plans except to lay low. Our awesome neighbors have told me how they cook out together on Saturday nights but we are normally tied up with other obligations. Luckily we were here and they invited us over. I wasn't aware I was about to walk into an incredible feast- It was amazing. Lucky me- one of my neighbors went to culinary school! ;) Sitting around on a Saturday night with my neighbors while my daughter plays with the other children and they run back and forth from house to house. Yes- THIS is where I have wanted to be.

I know this is not going to last forever but I do have a sense of pride for accomplishing this life for us. We are happy, safe, fulfilled and blessed beyond measure. The journey isn't over but for now it's time to sit back and enjoy the ride.

Just a little bubbling over with happiness and gratitude on a Sunday night!

Friday, January 25, 2013


QOTD (Quote of the day):

"Mommy, my body is SO full of joy and excitement my brain is bouncing up and down in my head! Does that ever happen to you? It kinda hurts!"              -Georgia Clare

One little five year old is apparently VERY excited about her first ever sleepover with friends at our house tonight!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Health Update!

You may recall a post I made awhile back about some goals I had in regards to being healthier. Don't recall? Here you go! It's time to update you on that list- aren't you excited??

1. I am attemping to eat a vegan diet. (Bhahahaha!) okay at least Local and all Organic?
So this one is hit or miss....I have cut more and more meat out of my diet and continue to do so every day. I don't think I could ever go to a steak house again and order a steak. (This isn't to say I won't have a bite of whomever I happen to be dining with...) Honestly though- I really don't even want that one bite and have rejected it more often than not. I don't really care for chicken anymore either. I will eat fish, shrimp, scallops, etc. As far as Vegan goes- who knows?? I guess what I'm doing right now doesn't have a label for it (maybe vegetarian??) Vegetables is what I am craving these days. El Rey has an AWESOME veggie taco. I tried Ruggle's the other night and again- they were amazing! Seriously I want one right now.

I stopped drinking coffee (I would drink about 3 cups a day...or more..) and switched to green tea. Not only is it a natural diuretic but I don't have nasty coffee breath anymore. I feel "Cleaner", I don't have the caffeine headaches coffee would sometimes cause, and I don't get jittery if I drink too much.

I've cut out a majority of my carb intake- for example sometimes I will eat the taco part of my veggie taco but most of the time I will have one or two bits then just eat the veggies inside. Although I still eat pizza at least once a week...but did you know the Neapolitan pizza is only 800 calories FOR AN ENTIRE PIZZA??? There just happens to be a place that was voted best pizza joint in Houston right by my house- Pizzaro's. It's amazing and just like the pizzas we scarfed down daily in Italy. (I wondered why I didn't come home a hippo....) Best part- I don't eat a whole pizza. So even if I just eat half it's 400 calories which is not bad at all!

I still slip up- I forget occasionally I don't want to eat meat and just order it without thinking. I'm not going to beat myself up about it and if I want it, I will eat it. I think it's more about making a true effort to change my eating habits rather than go cold turkey. It has been a process- I started thinking about doing this almost 3 years ago.

2. I am going to try to run every day this week.
I have been running! A LOT. Most weeks I try to run at least a few times but my schedule really doesn't allow me to get out there every day (especially with Georgia). I realized I have a gym membership and I braved the gym for the first time in almost 3 years. Georgia is now old enough to go into the rec center while I work out and she loves it (This was a problem before because she HATED the gym daycare and I felt guilty leaving her there) This one has a rock climbing wall, sports games, Kinect, crafts, etc. The first & second day she griped about going then on the third day she ASKED to go. Strange. Anyway after I work out I run on the treadmill. Again- something I HATE doing. I still hate it! BUT I have forced myself to run 3 miles on the treadmill at the end of each work out and it really helped my stamina for running in the park. Monday night I ran 9 miles (yes- 9) without stopping! I am super proud of myself and am even thinking of (gasp) running a 1/2 marathon in a couple of weeks. Sometimes I feel as though I'm having an out of body experience- don't I hate running?

3. I am superbly bloated right now and hope this feeling goes away soon.
I know you were worried. The bloating went away.

4. I started running again two weeks ago and forgot how much I missed it.
I did miss it and I am enjoying it more and more. (says the girl who despised all kinds of jogging/running activities the majority of her life.)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Classic Georgia

It's MLK day so Georgia is at work with me. She is playing on the iPad right now and trying to listen to what it is saying when the secretary next door began to shred some paper.

Georgia covers her ears and very loudly says, "Oh for Peter's sake!"

I'm going to be very sad when she stops mixing up words...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sassy Much??

Tonight Georgia and I got out of the house. I have been cooped up here for over a week and am over it.  In case you missed it Georgia came down with a nasty virus January 2 and I ended up with the flu which completely knocked me on my rear for a week. Today was my first day back at work. After I picked Georgia up from school we picked up Winston and ran to buy some dog food. Winston (with his great manners) marked everything that came in his line of vision at the pet store. Umm dog training anyone?

Afterward we went out to the dog park where he annoyed each and every animal and their owner. Some of the comments:

"That is the MOST active schnauzer I have ever seen!"
"He hasn't stopped since he arrived!"
"Boy! He sure has a hop and a jump to his little run doesn't he?"

His main goal of the dog park- make every dog chase you, or chase every dog. Winston was in the water, out of the water, chasing dogs, jumping on people. I hate to say his cuteness has worn off. Time for some obedience. P.S. this is not his first time- he goes to the dog park almost every weekend...

We dropped off the maniac and ran up to the gym- little did I know they have this amazing room for kids of Georgia's age with a rock wall, air hockey, etc. So she went there while I was upstairs working on my fitness.

When we arrived home Georgia was starving. I cooked dinner and she and I had a nice talk while eating and I was SO enjoying myself talking WITH her. I looked up and it was 8:13 (bedtime is strictly 8:00pm) I said, "Oh my goodness!! It's past your bedtime all ready! How did that happen?" and Miss Priss replies:

"Well, if you hadn't taken SO long at the gym MAYBE I would be in bed on time."

I was speechless as she flipped her hair and sauntered upstairs.