Wednesday, October 26, 2011


So drum roll please.....My offer was accepted and Georgia and I will be homeowners soon! So very excited! I based my purchase mainly on location/schools for Georgia and I am so, so happy with were we will live in a couple of months- it's a great little neighborhood zoned to the best schools (in my opinion) in Houston....yes no Private School for checkbook is thanking me! We are also right across the street from Town and Country and City Center- seriously...we could walk there! There are kids ranging from 2 years old to juniors in high school in every townhome in our little section and I've all ready had babysitting offers and Georgia has all ready made a new little friend- who just happends to have a new baby mini-schnauzer as well. When I saw the puppy I knew it was a sign!

Just a few things to figure out (foundation, inspections) and we will be good to go...well except the renovations I have planned for the interior. Chandeliers will be in every room....

I can't remember if I introduced Winston to the page if Winston! He was going to be a Christmas present/ Moving present for Georgia but we found him a little earlier than expected. Now that we have a puppy we have to take down 10 floors every day we are really enjoying living in our building and utilizing the park and jogging trails around the area. So nice! We have made a lot of new friends while out walking too!

Georiga has been a little defiant lately... yesterday in the car she did not want to go to the grocery store with me and made some statement along the lines of:

"Fine! If we go to the grocery store, I'm not your friend anymore!!"

My response "Georgia, you are not allowed to give your mother ultimatums."

Georgia "UGH! MOM! There are NO tomatoes in here!!!!"

Bhahaha! End of discussion becasue I was laughing so hard!

Friday, October 7, 2011

It's FINALLY Fall!

The cooler weather has finally rolled into TX. By cooler I mean the high temp is 90 degrees and occasionally a lucky day with a high of 86. Pretty awesome considering we have been swealtering with 109 degrees in SEPTEMBER! I'll take it. Seriously considering a move to somewhere cooler someday in the near future- this past summer was brutal.

House hunting also includes furniture hunting! I've been eyeing up some pieces (some for a few years now) that I plan on purchasing and some I've all ready purchased and tucked away in the shop at the office...

Can you tell I'm in love with the mirrored furniture? I've been dying to get my hands on a these pieces for years now. I've purchased 2 of them so far- one is in use at my apartment right now and the other is being stored.

I found this bed awhile back as well...waiting for it...

Wouldn't Georgia just love this?
Haha.....never going to happen.