Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Day at the Circus....

Today we went to the Shriner's Circus. May have been the MOST random circus I have ever attended and at the same time one of the best. Strange yet awesome? It was held at the Ft. Bend County Fair Grounds if that tells you anything. I'll elaborate later...

While we were there Georgia did something that was not a wise decision. Which was weird. I was pretty much in shock when she did what she did. (no, I'm not telling you..not important, not a big deal, but there is a funny part coming up) So I'm not a big "disciplinarian". She had really NEVER done anything that I have ever thought she needed to be held to the stake for. Kids are kids, they make mistakes. They are learning....obviously. I've "grounded" before but that meant no iPad or TV for the evening, things like that. I mean she is 5 and I think she "gets" the point without me having to drag out the punishment for longer than a few hours at this point. 

Anyway....what she did this afternoon was really just a bone head move on her part but she knows better and I was in shock. My mom had just bought her a light up magic wand that she was ecstatic over and my nephews light up swords. Instead of grabbing her by her arm and carrying her kicking and screaming out to the car I took a deep breath and calmly said "Give me your magic wand". She knew. I have never taken something away and really stuck to my guns on it. She handed it over and the tears started flowing. I let her know her choices were to stay and enjoy the rest of the show (which was a real gift from Mommy) or to leave right then and there (which is what Mommy thought was more appropriate). P.S. the show was almost over. We stayed.

We made if home after a long talk about the decision she made and the MANY consequences (sometimes it's just like a spiderweb and keeps going....), a magic wand locked in the trunk along with a plethora of other toys confiscated from the back seat and a lot of discussion of the parts of the circus that we really loved and enjoyed. 

As she was getting in bed she asks "Mom, if I'm not in trouble anymore tomorrow can I have my magic wand back?" hmmmmm tough one, as I've said before, never have I ever taken anything away from her permanently. "No Georgia, I told you, the magic wand is gone for good" *crying* <-----Georgia, not me. 

(For the record the cries are filled with things like "I'll NEVER get another light up toy AGAIN!!!!" "JUST TAKE ALL MY TOYS AWAY!! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" "I'll be the saddest girl in the world without a light up toy!!!!" It's taking all my restraint to not say "ummm for real?"- also, disclaimer if you do not know Georgia personally she is totally NOT a spoiled brat... dramatic- yes, absolutely!)

I walk downstairs to the background music of 5 year old sobbing and start cleaning things up. A few minutes later the sobs subside slightly and I hear Georgia walk down....

She timidly approaches me...


oh how angelic she is...

"could you at least save the magic wand for my child?" 

What? Bhahahahaha- I'm dying hysterically laughing and my 5 year old is looking at me with dead serious eyes. This is a completely serious question to her. Quite possibly the difference between if she (and maybe I too) sleep tonight. If she cannot have this magic wand, can I save it for the one day in the future for the child she plans on having? Uhhhhhh.....News flash Georgia.....I don't like the idea of having a 5 year old turning 6 year old. THAT make me feel old so if you could stop throwing around references that one day you will make me a grandmother that would be greeeaaaaatttttttt.

I some how turn my immediate laughter into a soft, maternal looking, loving smile that does not resemble the internal hystericalness that is going on inside and say "Of course honey! I will save that wand for you child!" She smiles, I smile, she runs back up stairs to bed, I collapse into a convulsion of giggles and call my mom to crack up on the phone.

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