Friday, May 10, 2013

Medical Alerts

Winston had his surgery and is at home recovering just fine. I have to say the day of I felt like the WORST dog mommy ever. He was absolutely pitiful. I worried he would never be the same animal again. He kept me up all night long whining. Well now I realize he's really just MAJORLY irritated over the cone he has to wear (I don't blame him) and when you take the cone off he's the same dog and happy as can be. Though...he doesn't jump when he has the cone on his head so I might just keep it around for awhile.... (kidding....kind of)

On the way to surgery. He was so excited to be able to ride with us that morning to drop Georgia off at school....Poor buddy had no idea what was coming....

This is what he looked like when I picked him up from the vet. SO mad at me. I felt horrible. Look at those eyes. Ugh- poor thing. :(

That afternoon at the house. He's depressed about the cone.

 He continually tries to lick but he can't so he is licking the inside of the plastic cone. Pretty comical when you have nothing better to do but sit around and laugh at your poor dog who just went through surgery I guess. At least it kept me entertained for good 5 minutes. Apparently I didn't feel like folding laundry....Gosh my life is super exciting.

Aww cutest puppy! He's feeling better!
And here they are- Georgia (in full protection gear she insists on wearing, helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, GLOVES....seriously she was just skating inside. All about self preservation that one is) and Sweet Winston- how cute is he in this pic?

Yes, after all the guilt I felt I know I made the right call now. We will all be much happier and I don't have to worry about him getting old and marking stuff around the house one day. Win/Win. Let's just say for the millionth time yet another reason why I'm glad I never had a son. If I had THIS much trouble debating on having my dog neutered (and it wasn't even an issue over me breeding him...I was never going to do that) can you imagine how crazy I would have made myself over whether or not to circumcise a live child? Ugh- Sometimes even thinking about it drives me crazy. Nope... baby factory closed. That is one decision I'm happy to NEVER have to make.

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